LOYALTY: faithful to a cause, ideal or custom; the binding of a person to something to which he or she is loyal.
Loyalty is created by organizations that facilitate an environment where individuals within and outside of the organization believe in the mission (purpose), share the values the organization adopts to achieve that mission, and that the leadership is capable of leading, especially in a time of rapid social change.
Loyalty is developed through consistent interpersonal interaction: individual communications and interactions, internal operational cultures and the way employees are treated. Every form of communication, both external and internal, and decision-making competency are taken into consideration when we, as human beings, decide to be loyal to an person or organization.
Let us help you create communities of highly skilled communicators.
John is a visionary entrepreneur who thinks outside of the box, motivates folks to follow his vision, and plans his work effectively to reach his desired outcomes. He's a high energy leader, and he makes things happen by sheer force of will and personality, and by selling his colleagues on the power of his ideas.
John Buller is a network in himself and to those who have been fortunate enough to work with him. John is a cache of creative energy, innovative thinking, and resourcefulness. When John walks into a room at least 3 people stand to greet him with admiration and fondness. He brings to each encounter a wealth of detailed knowledge and rich experiences that leave one with more than they arrived with every time. John is interested, in tune, and would add value and reward to any endeavor.

John K. Buller
John Buller has over 40 years of experience in leading organizations in developing high performance collaborative cultures where both employees and customers/clients can express loyalty. He believes passionately in the power of communication and engagement throughout organizational cultures.
He spent 20 years working for the Bon Marche, moving through the executive ranks in training and marketing. He also served as CEO of Tully's Coffee, and head of the UW Alumni Association and the Washington Athletic Club's 101 Club.
He has consulted for a wide variety of clients in the grocery, education, non-profit, public service, and retail sectors. He served as chair of the NCAA Final Four in 1994, and has served as a Director on Seafair and Seattle Center Boards. He helped champion the Northwest Black Pioneers - A Tribute book and traveling exhibit.

Sam Thomas
Sam Thomas is passionate about forming meaningful interpersonal relationships and specializes in brand development, process improvement, and strategic marketing .
Sam published John's second book, Can You Survive the Age of Disruption?. While working on the rebrand and development of the resource guide and workshop materials, they formed a unique partnership that transcends generational and cultural boundaries. Sam received his undergraduate degree from University of Washington Foster School of Business and also holds an MBA in Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise.

Jodie Buller
Jodie Buller has been applying these LSG principles in a variety of workplace cultures during the last 15 years, can confirm that developing these skills in communication has been crucial to her success.
Jodie has been a Marketing & Outreach Coordinator for a Food Co-op, a community radio producer and announcer, a Farmers Market Manager, and has organized music festivals, human rights festivals, and many workshops and presentations.
She is currently a Co-Director for a non-profit organization, and a founding Board member for the Conservation Burial Alliance.