Changing Your Basic Approach/Attitudes vs.Behaviors
January 10, 2014
Annual Fund Use of Media
February 2012
Please provide:
- A copy of your current Case for Support
- A copy of your last two years Annual Fund Letters
- Your Business Model/Budget for your Annual Fund effort
- Your Media Budgets and Seasonal Strategy
- Samples of your Printed Materials, to include Take One’s, Annual Report to Contributors, Print Advertisements, Radio Spots, TV Spots,
- Provide overview of current online programs, including use of social technologies such as Facebook, Twiltter, YouTube, blogs, etc.
- Provide examples of program evaluation practices for on- and off-line initiatives.
Please answer the following questions:
Case for Support and Communication:
- Describe your Case for Support.
- Going forward, what do you believe are the most powerful activities of your non-profit efforts that people would see value in supporting?
- How do you compile and publish stories that support your unique premise that “Your Annual Gifts Make the Difference”?
- Define what you believe to be the Key Message for your organization. If people only knew One Thing about you, what should that be?
- What/how do you Steward your Annual Fund Donors?
- How do you measure Success with regard to your Annual Fund?
- Does your website reflect your current Annual Fund Program? Is the presentation static, or does it provide a mechanism for online contribution, and/or community involvement.
- Who is your technology partner for online contribution management?
Donor Management and Communication:
- How do Donors contact/interact you?
- Do you currently provide a means for donors to share their stories through words, images or video?
- How are you currently using testimonials on your website and within other online initiatives to encourage donor participation and contribution?
- How many email addresses do you have in your files and do you have the ability to segment potential donors, active donors, donor classes, etc? And do you have a formal opt-in policy?
- How often do you send emails? Describe your overall email campaign and how you feel it is strategically associated with your Annual Program and other program communication tactics?
- How do you classify your Annual Donors by level, lifetime value, frequency, etc?
- Please describe your process and/or system for storing and managing donor information?
- Do you have a person responsible for all Communication, and what are their primary responsibilities?
Online Social Community Involvement:
- Are you actively participating in any Social Community Sites?
- Does your organization have a Social Media Strategy, and if so how does it integrate with your conventional off-line activities?
- Which Social Technologies are you currently using? (Facebook, My Space, Twitter, etc.)?
- Do you have a Community Manager that sees to the activities related to social networks and online donor conversations?
- Do you have issues that concern you if they were discussed within online communities?
Partnerships and Affiliations:
- Do you have online partnerships with other organizations that would be willing to support your Annual program?
- How are you currently involved with potential donor groups such as associations, schools and other community groups?
Program Evaluation:
- Do you have a monthly management reporting capability that delivers a comprehensive view of your media communications and the resulting activities enabling you to monitor and optimize programs?
Your Plans for the Future:
- What is your vision for the use of the new Social Media?
- Do you believe your organization’s culture can support the changes required to add Social Communities and be more focused on Stewardship?
Any Other Comments: