UWAA Strategic Plan 2005-2008 [Case Study]
December 10, 2013
Summary of the social Media Seminar
December 11, 2013
3/24/2004 DRAFT
The Value and Reason for Affinity
1. To determine what factors create greater levels of alumni affinity.
- To determine if there is any indicators of how the factors of affinity determine how alumni decide to act on their affinity in support of the University.
Actions: Levels of affinity/actions.
Level #1:
- Reads Columns – at least 20 minutes
- Wears purple – to game days or on key competitive times
- Reads material/mailings from individual units to more than one event
Level #2:
- Goes to an Athletic Event – owns season tickets
Level #3:
- Attends at least one University event (non athletic)
- 2 events
- 3 events
- More than 4 events
Level #4:
- Becomes a member of the Alumni Association
- Gives to the annual fund
Level #5:
- Uses Dawg Deals/Alumni Discount Program
Level #6:
- Host or Attend Alumni Event off Campus
- Get an Affinity Credit Card
Level #7:
- Volunteers for/at the Event, UWAA Committee, Advising Board
Level #8:
- Advocates for the University, Legislature, Dinners, etc.
Level #9:
- Gives at President’s Club level (non athletic) $1,000.
Level #10:
- Does more than 4 Levels of Action
Indicators or attitudes that potentially drive affinity and create action
Two survey rating options:
-Attitudes: 1-10 Rating – First choice most important to lowest important
-Forced choice: – First choice most important to lowest important
- The University of Washington played a significant role in my life and I need to pay back that contribution.
- The University is important and I have a personal commitment to maintaining or improving the asset.
- I have a great deal of pride in what the University of Washington has done and continues to do for our students, region and world
- I worry that the University needs my help to continue its traditions and contributions to our region.
What I do matters:
- I know that I am making a difference by being active in helping the University.
- My involvement and/or gifts makes a difference for the future of the University.
- I am receiving direct benefits by being engaged in the life of the University.
- I receive indirect benefits from being involved in the life of the University.
- I love being a leader and using my leadership skills to help the University.
- I enjoy the recognition I receive from being engaged in helping the University.
It’s fun:
- I have more fun being engaged in the University than anything else I do.
Perception of their Student Experience:
- I had a great Student Experience.
Next Steps:
- Engage Mike Luis in helping to define and rethink this affinity to active concept.
- We have a large group of people that have a varying level of “Actions” that they are currently engage with – using the attitude survey question, ask defined individual to rate these question on a 1 to 10 scale. Define the correlations between answers and question responses.
- If we find correlations – do focus groups and move surveys to identify how we can improve activities efforts and communications focused on those attitudes that drives affinity
- Million Dollar Donors – 20 mailings
- People Who Travel to Games – 200 mailings
- Don James Center Donors – 20 mailings
- General Tyee Donors – 100 mailings
- Season Ticket Holders (non donors) – 200 mailings
- President Club no athletic donors – 200 mailings
- Small Donors (<1000) non athletic – 200 mailings
- History Lecture Participants – 200 mailings
- Coaches Tour Participants – 200 mailings
- UWAA Committee Members – all 200 mailings
- Young Graduate – 0-5 – 300 mailings
- Graduates – 6-11 – 300 mailings
- Graduates – 11-25 – 300 mailings
- Older Graduates – 25-300 mailings