Social Media Manager Development Program
February 4, 2013Some Very Cool Videos on Social Media
February 11, 2013Elements – Phase
Objective: To create a Seattle Center Facebook page the gives the face book community the ability to view timely –useful- and socially focused information about their visit the SeattleCenter today.
- Wall – Create a regular stream of posts that happen at least several times per day. These would all (or the majority) be live around both commercial and non-commercial activities. The posts need to be interesting and relevant to people who use/come to the Center or are planning to get to the Center today.
Execution points:
- Robert to use his phone pictures and post regularly from his personal face book account with short comments that reflect his pride in the place, the programs, and the people
- Tracy, Todd, Deborah, Marc, Dennis, John, Julia, Holly are all Administrators of this page [more to be added from the grounds Crew] these administrators will post when ever there is something that adds to the face book community reason to view adding value to a persons visit today
- Links – Need to be looked after to insure each link has some relevance to today’s visit this would change at least weekly – Deborah and Todd would take the lead on this effort
Types of Links:
- Video cam for the Fountain
- Video cam from the Space Needle
- Traffic on Mercer and Parking Capacity
- What’s Happening Today at the Center – we would also have a QR bar code of Today @ the Center
- Links to Commercial Big Deals, Donations, and the SeattleCenter Blog
Someone needs to clean up daily (old links).
- Favorite Pages – There are always lots of favorite pages. This could be from the commercial events, the resident Groups, and specific pages from the Seattle Center Web site – as well as the Foundation Web site. As the 50th starts happening this, plus other locations on the Facebook page, should house the 50th communications—There should always be a favorite Page TELL US WHAT YOU THINK link
- Someone needs to have constant attention – always being current.
- Someone needs to clean up daily. This person to be determined————————
- Information – This button will be managed by Deborah and will be built around the About Us portion of the Seattle Center Web site – it will also be the place where press releases and current information is kept. This also needs to be where the Did You Know trivia information rests.
- Photos – Marc will define the photos to be posted and Todd will define where these Photos should be housed. It was thought that this section should be arranged in a series of Albums around the key areas of the public portion of the SeattleCenter – the grounds, the public programs, the best of the commercial programs, and the people in their unexpected moments. The Customer Service Group should manage this button.
The theme “It All Happens Here” – should be the same as the web site with lots of images that drive the 2 or 3 themes:
- Live at SeattleCenter
- It All Happens Here
- Unexpected Moments
* This should also be a place where friends can post their images of good times at the Center.
- Notes – Still needs some definition, but Deborah will manage this button. This works with the Information section
- Videos – There is lots of potential for this area. Marc will look at the current inventory of Video and the volunteer coordinator [Martin] has some video production background. John Buller will meet with Martin, Dennis, Tracy, Todd, and Monica to define how this section should be built
These would start with the Case for Support – but, over time, we should have a large and growing inventory of videos. We need to be able to create categories to put them in, i.e. New Years, Space Needle Fireworks, large festivals.
- Events – This area will be owned by the Public Program team and will be primarily focused on the programs that demonstrate the Center’s commitment to families – youth, etc. Julia, Holly, Michael and Sheryl will be tasked to administer this section. There will also be the Invite function that needs to work seamlessly with the friends Facebook concept.
This should be focused on the public programs effort, as well as things that happen on the grounds with gardens, fountains, and seasonal native things like holiday lights, spring gardens, summer fountains.
- Ads – There is an expense to this Idea and the Commercial team will try to have the event promoters buy the space on the Seattle Centers Facebook pages
This should be an element of the Commercial programs. There is room for at least 5 ads Marketing needs to keep current.
SeattleCenter Fountain
- Discussion
This space could be coordinated with the micro site video Case for Support. Someone needs to keep this current.
- Cause
This space also becomes part of the micro site Case for Support effort.
- Ads
Again managed by Commercial efforts.
Micro Site
Elements – Phase I
- Video
This will be the development of 10-20 Case for Supports that require a specific request for a donation. Each will have a component that helps build the concept that The Seattle Center is a valuable regional asset. Videos will focus on the park, fountains, gardens, and public rooms. These will populate Facebook and You Tube. Loyalty Solutions to build and produce.
- Donate
This button will be totally reworked to create a Stewardship culture for donors. Requests for support will be as specific as possible and the goal is to have this button be the best of the Foundation’s donation process. The donor will be encouraged to challenge their friends to match their gift. Loyalty Solutions will build and create.
- Stewardship
As someone gives a donation, this will instantly register on the Stewardship function. The donor will be encouraged to comment on why they chose to donate, as well as link to Facebook. We will try to get as many faces as possible on the function. Loyalty Solutions to build.
- Be a Friend and Enter to Win
This function will be driven by a monthly contest – something that a winner can take a group of friends to. There will be ways to increase your chances of winning by passing it along and by becoming a friend. You will have many ways of entering. Loyalty Solutions to design.
- Give Us Input
This will start with the Customerville link and we will add a trivia and vote campaign after the rest of the main functions are developed.
- Send us your Seattle Center Stories and Pictures
This will be an off-the-shelf app to manage the flow of incoming images and thoughts. It will become part of every event at the SeattleCenter – public and commercial. Loyalty Solutions to define.
- QR Bar Code – What’s Live Today
This function will come from the current SeattleCenter web site.
- The 50th Anniversary
This will be elements of the 50th web site. It could be “give us your ideas” and “vote on the 50th mark”.
- Links to Social Media
Facebook will be the primary Phase I link as, by April 21st, we need to have the basics working right.
Links to Other Sites – same concept as Facebook links. (see Facebook section)
10. Sponsorship stewardship
Sponsors over $50,000 will receive clear stewardship – with the goal being a link to a video presentation
Phase 1
Vision: To send this Foundation e-mail out 2 x per month from the middle of April through the end of 2010. The frequency could go to 4 x per month depending on its success.
- The List
The goal is to send to as many e-mail addresses as possible. We need to understand who and how the list is managed, maintained and divided.
- Subject Line
The goal is to get a well-known Seattle personality to serve as our Endorser of the Seattle Center Foundation and ask that people watch the short video. The personality and the video subject need to match.
- The Video
Same as the Micro Site description.
- The Print Message on the e-mail
A celebrity asking people to watch the video and, if possible, be the voice of the video.
- Center Event Schedule
Same as the Micro Site button.
- Enter to Win – Forward this E-Mail
Same as the Micro Site button.
- Important Links
Same as the Facebook and Micro Site links.
- QR Bar Code
Same as the Micro Site button.
Print Pieces – Phase I
Vision: For all print pieces there should be the same visual approach. Focus on key links/web sites and Enter to Win, plus the QR bar code.